Yesterday I showed how to remove unacked messages from a RabbitMQ queue through the Management Portal. Today let us leave the Graphical User Interface behind and solve the same problem from the command line.
Through the command line
RabbitMQ has multiple command line tools available in the sbin folder. The one we need is rabbitmqctl.bat
Show queues with unacked connections like this.
rabbitmqctl list_queues name messages_unacknowledged
The output should be something like this:
VLM.eShopExample.Worker-Development | 1 |
VLM.eShopExample.Worker-Production | 0 |
We see that one queue has an unacked message. Let's find out the channel and associated connection that is causing the unacked message.
rabbitmqctl list_channels connection messages_unacknowledged
This returns the following output:
<rabbit@SERVER.1650192371.27249.9> | 1 |
Ok, we found the channel that caused the problem. Let's close it. We specify the connection and a message that will be shown to the user.
rabbitmqctl close_connection "<rabbit@SERVER.1650192371.27249.9
>" "Sorry! We're closed."
We can remove the unacked message from the queue by purging it with the following command:
rabbitmqctl purge_queue VLM.eShopExample.Worker-Development
Let's run the first command again to verify that we no longer have any unacked messages.
rabbitmqctl list_queues name messages_unacknowledged
VLM.eShopExample.Worker-Development | 0 |
VLM.eShopExample.Worker-Production | 0 |