A short post this Friday. After creating a new Github Actions workflow I noticed that the name was referring to the filename: I couldn't start my weekend without fixing this first. I opened up the yaml file and explicitly set a name: When I came back to the list of Github Actions after committing the change, the list was updated and got a nice name instead of the filename: Me happy!
Yesterday I showed you how to create a new release in Github manually. This was a good starting point as it introduced the different elements of a release and the options we have. Today let us automate the process of creating a release on GitHub using GitHub Actions. Create a new release using Github Actions Go to Actions inside Github and click on new workflow . We’ll not use an existing template but instead choose to setup the workflow ourself : Paste the following yaml content in the editor screen. I’ll explain it afterwards… Explanation of the Workflow name: This is the name of your workflow. You can name it something like "Release". on: Specifies the event that will trigger the workflow. In this case, it’s triggered by a push to a tag that matches the pattern v*.*.* (e.g., v1.0.0 ). jobs: This defines the job that will be run by the workflow. runs-on: Specifies the environment where the job will ru