HotChocolate does a lot of effort to validate that you produced a valid schema before your application starts up. This is useful when a feature is ready but during development it can be annoying as maybe you already want to run your application before having resolvers ready for every field in your schema.
By default when you try to run with an incomplete schema, you’ll get an error message similar to the following:
An error occurred while starting the application.
SchemaException: The schema builder was unable to identify the query type of the schema. Either specify which type is the query type or set the schema builder to non-strict validation mode.
HotChocolate.SchemaBuilder.Create() in SchemaBuilder.Create.cs, line 0
· SchemaException: The schema builder was unable to identify the query type of the schema. Either specify which type is the query type or set the schema builder to non-strict validation mode.
o HotChocolate.SchemaBuilder.Create() in SchemaBuilder.Create.cs
As mentioned inside the error message you can change this behavior by setting the schema builder to non-strict validation mode. But how exactly can you do this?
I’ll provide you the answer; during schema creation you can modify the options: