One of the lesser known features of .NET Core is System.Threading.Channels. It allows you to implement a pipeline of producers/consumers without having to worry about locking, concurrency and so on.
For an introduction have a look here;
Although it would be a good solution for a lot of use cases, I don’t see it used that often. I think the main reason is that the API is not that intuitive and it takes some time to figure out how to use it.
Let’s have a look at an example; (I borrowed it from Sacha Barb’s great introduction about System.Threading.Channels):
Although this example is rather trivial, it takes some time to wrap your head around it and understand what is going on. Let’s see if we can simplify this example through the Open.ChannelExtensions. This library offers a set of extensions for optimizing/simplifying System.Threading.Channels usage.
Here is the simplified code: