Sequential GUIDs (Globally Unique Identifiers) are a specific type of GUID that are optimized for scenarios where insertion order matters, especially in databases. Traditional GUIDs are randomly generated and can cause performance issues in systems where GUIDs are used as primary keys due to their lack of natural order.
Sequential GUIDs address this problem by maintaining some level of order, making them more efficient for certain use cases. Before .NET 9 I typically had 2 approaches to generate a sequential guid:
- I let the database generate the sequential guid for me through the NEWSEQUENTIALID function:
CREATE TABLE myTable (Id uniqueidentifier DEFAULT NEWSEQUENTIALID()); |
- I generate the id myself using a library like RT.Comb:
var comb=new RT.Comb.SqlCombProvider(new UnixDateTimeStrategy()); | |
var id=comb.Create(); |
Starting from .NET 9 I have a new option to add to my list as the Guid
class got a new method Guid.CreateVersion7(), that returns sequential Guids, according to version 7 UUID RFC 9562. This means that they can be ordered and used as a database table primary key, for example, because the values won't be scattered.
var guid1 = Guid.CreateVersion7(); | |
var guid2 = Guid.CreateVersion7(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow); |
Remark: If no DateTimeOffset
is supplied,CreateVersion7()
uses DateTimeOffet.UtcNow
by default.
More information
Avoiding index fragmentation with sequential guids
Using GuidCOMB in SQL Server and PostgreSQL
NEWSEQUENTIALID (Transact-SQL) - SQL Server | Microsoft Learn
GitHub - richardtallent/RT.Comb: Creating sequential GUIDs in C# for MSSQL or PostgreSql