Last week I was testing the WSFederation authentication middleware that Microsoft released as part of .NET Core 2.0.
Here is how I configured it inside my ASP.NET Core app:
I added the Authenticate attribute to one of my controllers and when I invoked it, I was succesfully redirect to our ADFS server. However after logging in, when I was redirect back to the application I noticed that the ClaimsPrincipal remained empty.
It was only by carefully looking at the documentation I noticed my mistake:
By default, the new middleware:
· Doesn't allow unsolicited logins. This feature of the WS-Federation protocol is vulnerable to XSRF attacks. However, it can be enabled with the AllowUnsolicitedLogins option.
· Doesn't check every form post for sign-in messages. Only requests to the CallbackPath are checked for sign-ins. CallbackPath defaults to /signin-wsfed but can be changed. This path can be shared with other authentication providers by enabling the SkipUnrecognizedRequests option.
Our ADFS server was configured to redirect me to a FederationResult controller, but by default the middleware only checks request directed to /signin-wsfed.
After setting the CallbackPath correctly, everything worked:
.AddWsFederation(options =>
options.Wtrealm = Configuration["wsfed:realm"];
options.MetadataAddress = Configuration["wsfed:metadata"];
options.CallbackPath = "/FederationResult";