IE9 contains a nice feature, called Pinned sites. Pinned sites unlock a new set of tools—Favicons, Notifications, Jump Lists, and Thumbnail Toolbars for your IE 9 site inside Windows 7. Although not really a platform independent feature, I still like it.
With just a few lines of HTML or JavaScript code, you can use these tools to take advantage of the full power of the PC and extend the web experience beyond the browser and onto the Windows 7 taskbar.
If these few lines are still too much for you, have a look at Pinify. It’s a jQuery plugin that simplies the process of adding the pinning functionality to your website. And what’s even nicer is that it does all the browser compatibility checks for you.
A quick code sample:
<script src="Scripts/jquery-1.5.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="Scripts/jquery.pinify.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript">
$().ready(function ()
applicationName: 'PizzaPlanet',
tooltip: 'The best pizza's of the universe',
tasks: [{
'name': 'Order a pizza',
'action': 'http://pizzaplanet/order',
'icon': 'order.ico' },
'name': 'Where's my pizza?',
'action': 'http://pizzaplanet/location',
'icon': 'location.ico' },