After upgrading to MassTransit 8.1, I got a list of warnings. In this post I'll walk you through the list of warnings and how I fixed them. Let's get started...
ConsumerDefinition warning
The first warning I got was the following:
'ConsumerDefinition<T>.ConfigureConsumer(IReceiveEndpointConfigurator, IConsumerConfigurator<T>)' is obsolete: 'Use the IRegistrationContext overload instead. Visit for details.'
That is an easy one to fix, I had to rewrite my original ConsumerDefinition:
To a version that uses the IRegistrationContext as one of the parameters:
InMemory Outbox warning
A second warning was related to the usage of the InMemoryOutbox:
'InMemoryOutboxConfigurationExtensions.UseInMemoryOutbox(IConsumePipeConfigurator, Action<IOutboxConfigurator>)' is obsolete: 'Use the IRegistrationContext overload instead. Visit for details.'
Here is the original consumerdefinition that caused the warning:
And here is the updated code:
Job Consumers warning
A last warning was related to the Job consumers configuration:
'RegistrationContextExtensions.ConfigureEndpoints<T>(IServiceInstanceConfigurator<T>, IBusRegistrationContext, IEndpointNameFormatter)' is obsolete: 'Job Consumers no longer require a service instance. Visit for details.'
My original configuration looked like this:
Now I can remove the ConfigureJobServiceEndpoints line: