For my kids, the magic word is ‘please'. But what are the magic words for a leader?
The answer is simple:
I don't know.
As a leader you can have the feeling that you need to have the answer to every question. Of course you don’t want to look bad in front of your peers and your team. But let’s face it, a leader can’t know everything.
So don’t be afraid to use these magic words, they are essential in building psychological safety in your team. If you dare to admit you don’t have all the answers all the time, your team members will have it easier to use these magic words as well and ask for help when needed. This is far better than the alternative where they stay blocked or make poor decisions.
Remark: Of course you need to use these magic words appropriately. A leader who doesn’t know anything isn’t useful either. So let it not be an excuse for being sloppy.
So share your understanding of the context, explain the gaps in your knowledge, ask questions and most of all stay curious,