After solving the problem I had yesterday, my OIDC middleware in ASP.NET Core was finally working. I was able to login and I could find all my claims inside my ClaimsIdentity.
However this was not the end of all my problems as I noticed that the User.Identity.Name value was empty. Strange! Because when I took a look at my claims, a name claim was certainly there…
What is going on?
The thing is that Microsoft provided a NameClaimType and also a RoleClaimType property on ClaimsIdentity. These properties define which claim should be used to represent the name(and role) claim on your User.Identity. As a default value they decided on using the following claimtypes (which were part of WIF):
These claimtypes are not part of the OIDC claim types and this explains why no mapping is happening…
To fix this you can update your OIDC middleware by adding a TokenValidationParameters section: