I was configuring a post build step to copy some files to the output directory of an other project. This was the XCOPY command I came up with:
XCOPY /E /Y “$(TargetDir)” “$(SolutionDir)\SecondApp\$(OutDir)”
Looks OK, right? But when I executed it, it failed with the following error message:
C:\projects\test>xcopy /E /Y "C:\projects\test\FirstApp\bin\Debug\" "C:\projects\test\SecondApp\bin\Debug\"
Invalid path
0 File(s) copied
These paths doesn’t look invalid. Strange!
StackOverflow brought a solution; http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25840861/invalid-path-0-files-copied-error-while-using-xcopy-command. Adding an ending dot to the source path should do the trick:
XCOPY /E /Y “$(TargetDir).” “$(SolutionDir)\SecondApp\$(OutDir)”
And indeed:
C:\projects\test>xcopy /E /Y "C:\projects\test\FirstApp\bin\Debug" "C:\projects\test\SecondApp\bin\Debug\"
3 File(s) copied