To simplify management and monitoring of your RabbitMQ Service Broker it is a good idea to install the management plugin(don’t expect anything fancy).
- To install it, logon to the server where you installed RabbitMQ
- Open a RabbitMQ command prompt
- Enter the following command
- rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
- You’ll get the following log output
D:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.6.12\sbin>rabbitmq-plugins en
able rabbitmq_management
The following plugins have been enabled:
Applying plugin configuration to rabbit@SERVER01... started 6 plugins.
- Now you can access the management portal using http://localhost:15672
- If you want to access the portal from outside the server, you have to configure a firewall rule that allows TCP traffic on port 15672.
- Remark: Notice that when you try to access the management portal from outside the server using the default guest account, it will not work. This is a security feature that is enabled by default. To solve that, we’ll create another account, but that’s something we cover in another blog post.