Yes, we survived day 2 of NDC London. With our heads filled with AngularJs, SignalR and Web API knowledge we spent the evening shopping in the Westfield mall after enjoying a delicious meal at one of Jamie Oliver’s Italian restaurant. I’m still digesting the great food and all the new things we learned.
You can find my sample code here:
And here are my notes of day 2 of the workshop.
Overriding Services
- You can overwrite any service bij creating a new factory registration
- Last registration wins…
Decorating Services
- Add pre- and post processing logic
- Use $provide.decorator()
Service Providers
- Different way to create services(there are multiple, remember)
- Use $provide
- Configure the service during the configuration phase(2 phases as you should know; configuration and run phase)
Service Constants
- Inject primitives as a service
Service Values
- Similar to Constants, can also inject a value
- The only difference is that constants are available in the config phase, values are only available during the run phase
Service factories
- Another way to create a service and service provider
Service operator
- Another(yes indeed) way to create a service and provider
- Difference is that with a service you need to attach the service to the this object
- Scott says "don't use it"
HTTP Interceptors
- Request and response interceptors
HTTP Transforms
- Transform the request and response itself
- Gives you a very simple GET,PUT, POST, DELETE interface to your Web API
Extending HTML
- Give you custom HTML elements through the use of directives
- Most directives work in multiple ways
- As an element <accordion>
- As an attribute <div accordion>
- As a class <div class=accordion> --> Avoid this one, it's confusing to find out if its a CSS class or directive
Event Directives
- Multiple events are available out-of-the-box
Custom Directives
- Build your own directives through a Directive Definition Object
- Can become quit complex
- With the restrict option you can specify how the directive can be used(as an element,…)
- Note that you should call it as otc-greeting
- Transclude option
- Take the content from your custom directive and merge it with the template
- Scope option
- Allows you to create an isolated scope(by default the scope of the parent controller is used)
- Useful for re-usable widgets
- You can also create a new inherited scope
- Allows you to create an isolated scope(by default the scope of the parent controller is used)
- Compile function
- Is called once for every directive
- Can be used to manipulate the template
- Most of the time you don't need this
- Link function
- Is called
- Uses jQuery Lite; "the 20% jQuery you used all the time"
- One of the core concepts of Angular is that it should be testable
- Helps avoid global state and singletons through dependency injection
- Helps separation of concerns by splitting out responsabilities over controllers, templates, services, etc…
- Framework options
- Qunit
- Jasmine
- Mocha
- Test runner options
- Karma
- Grunt
- Chutzpah
- Through angular-mock.js(part of the NuGet package)
- Use $httpBackend to test HTTP interaction
- Very important part of Angular
- Use ngView
- RouteProvider used during configuration phase
- Is available as a separate NuGet package
- Include the module
- Multiple Routing Events are available
- You can also use HTML 5 routing if you don't like the # sign in your URL's
- Separate module(angular-animate.js)
- Supports CSS transitions and animations
- Contains a list of built in animations
UI Bootstrap
- Combine Angular with Bootstrap
- Nice thing is that the dependency on jQuery got removed
- Available at
Annoyances(again) :-(
- Kind of confusing combination of service constants and service values
- Custom directives can be quit complex
- Especially if you start to play with the scope