This week a customer wanted to access the Azure blob storage from their Silverlight and Flash client applications. However due to the cross-domain restrictions of both technologies, we couldn’t access the blob storage out-of-the-box.
Let’s see how we can solve this and enable full access to blob storage through Silverlight and Flash.
When a Silverlight application makes a cross-domain call (other than those that are allowed by default), it first fetches a file called ClientAccessPolicy.xml
from the root of the target server. For the blob storage this will be something like http://{namespace} .
Every blob in Windows Azure storage lives within a container, but there’s a special root container which lets us store blobs directly off the root of the domain. This is where we’ll put our ClientAccessPolicy.xml
file. The following code creates a publicly readable root container and creates a blob named ClientAccessPolicy.xml
within it:
private void CreateSilverlightPolicy() { var account= new CloudStorageAccount ( new StorageCredentialsAccountAndKey("account", "key"), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri("") ); var client = account.CreateCloudBlobClient(); blobs.GetContainerReference("$root").CreateIfNotExist(); blobs.GetContainerReference("$root").SetPermissions( new BlobContainerPermissions() { PublicAccess = BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Blob }); var blob = blobs.GetBlobReference("clientaccesspolicy.xml"); blob.Properties.ContentType = "text/xml"; blob.UploadText(@"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?> <access-policy> <cross-domain-access> <policy> <allow-from http-methods=""*"" http-request-headers=""*""> <domain uri=""*"" /> <domain uri=""http://*"" /> </allow-from> <grant-to> <resource path=""/"" include-subpaths=""true"" /> </grant-to> </policy> </cross-domain-access> </access-policy>"); }
For the Flash the story is almost the same but instead of adding a clientpolicy file, we need to add a crossdomain.xml file.
private void CreateFlashPolicy() { var account= new CloudStorageAccount ( new StorageCredentialsAccountAndKey("account", "key"), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri("") ); var client = account.CreateCloudBlobClient(); blobs.GetContainerReference("$root").CreateIfNotExist(); blobs.GetContainerReference("$root").SetPermissions( new BlobContainerPermissions() { PublicAccess = BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Blob }); var blob = blobs.GetBlobReference("crossdomain.xml"); blob.Properties.ContentType = "text/xml"; blob.UploadText(@"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?> <cross-domain-policy> <allow-access-from domain=""*"" /> </cross-domain-policy>"); }