Although using IIS is not that hard, I had some issues to get my website deployed. As I didn't install the webserver, it took me a while to find out which features were missing. The following steps can help you checking if your server is ASP.NET 3.5 ready:
Install the Web Server Role
In Role Services, select ASP.NET and continue.
Install the .NET 3.5 Framework
On your webserver, install the .NET 3.5 framework.
Publish Your Application
In Visual Studio, publish your web project to a local folder, like on the desktop.
Copy that folder to a local folder on the webserver, maybe somewhere like c:\apps.
From the IIS Manager, right click your Default Web Site and "Add Application".
Enable ASP.NET Impersonation on your Website
IIS -> Your website -> Authentication -> Enable ASP.NET Impersonation.
Test your Application
Open a browser, and try http://localhost, verify that the IIS 7 page comes up and you know IIS 7 is installed correctly.
Then test your application by browsing to http://localhost/your_application.
If you receive .NET reference errors or csc.exe not found, make sure you've installed the .NET 3.5 framework.
If your web page does not display correctly, or images are missing, check all of your url links. For all of your url links, use an absolute path like "~/Images/".
If you receive an error connecting to a local database, "Invalid login for NT AUTHORITY/NETWORK SERVICE"... open SQL Management Studio, add a new login, find the NETWORK SERVICE credential and grant that login db_owner permissions for your database(or use a dedicated user for your application pool).