Microsoft is working on a new framework called Restier:
RESTier is a RESTful API development framework for building standardized, OData V4 based REST services on .NET. It can be seen as a middle-ware on top of Web API OData. RESTier combines the convenience and simplicity of WCF Data Services alongside the flexibility and extensibility of Web API OData.
Similar to a WCF Data Service it exposes your Data Model through a REST service.
Get started.
- Create a new MVC application
- Add an Entity Framework Code First context
- Include the Microsoft.Restier NuGet Package(don’t forget to set Include prerelease)
- Create a Domain class that wraps your DbContext:
- Add a Web Api controller inheriting from ODataDomainController that wraps the Domain class:
- As a last step add an extra route to the WebApiConfig file:
- If you run the application and browse to /api/northwind, you can see the available entity sets: