The search experience in Azure DevOps(Server) is powered by ElasticSearch. If for any reason your search didn’t seem to work, a lot of Powershell scripts are available to help you with maintaining, updating and monitoring the health of your ElasticSearch instance.
Remark: Be sure to take the correct scripts for your version of Azure DevOps.
One of the scripts I use the most is the TriggerCollectionIndexing.ps1 script. This script allows you to reindex everything(wiki, workitem, code) at the collection level.
Remark: You have to run this script on a server that has the SQL Server Client Tools installed.
Let’s try it out:
PS N:\Azure_DevOps_Server_2019> .\TriggerCollectionIndexing.ps1
cmdlet TriggerCollectionIndexing.ps1 at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
(Type !? for Help.)
SQLServerInstance: mytfssqlinstance
CollectionDatabaseName: tfs_defaultcollection
ConfigurationDatabaseName: tfs_configuration
CollectionName: DefaultCollection
EntityType: WorkItem
Cannot load module SQLSERVER. Trying to load SQLPS module.
Loaded SQLPS module...
Cleaned up the WorkItem Collection Indexing state.
Successfully queued the WorkItem Indexing job for the collection!!
In the example above, we triggered a reindex of the WorkItems in a specific collection You can do the same thing for Code or Wiki by changing the EntityType in the command above.