Orleans–Codegen issue Error MSB3073 The command ""dotnet" "Orleans.CodeGeneration.Build.dll" ""Bots.orleans.g.args.txt"" exited with code 3.
Part of the magic inside Orleans happens through the usage of code generation. However when I tried to build my Orleans app it failed with the following error message:
Error MSB3073 The command ""dotnet" "C:\Users\UserName.nuget\packages\microsoft.orleans.orleanscodegenerator.build\2.1.0\build..\tasks\netcoreapp2.1\Orleans.CodeGeneration.Build.dll" "@C:\projects\myProjectName\_obj\Debug\Bots\netcoreapp2.1\codegen\Bots.orleans.g.args.txt"" exited with code 3. Bots C:\Users\UserName.nuget\packages\microsoft.orleans.orleanscodegenerator.build\2.1.0\build\Microsoft.Orleans.OrleansCodeGenerator.Build.targets 82
This error message is not very useful, but it brought me to the following issue on GitHub: https://github.com/dotnet/orleans/issues/5038.
I accidently downloaded and used the wrong NuGet package; I was using Microsoft.Orleans.CodeGenerator.Build where in fact I needed Microsoft.Orleans.CodeGenerator.MsBuild.
I don’t know exactly why both packages exists. Anyone?