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Implementing an OAuth client credentials flow with ADFS–Part 1 - ADFS configuration

It looked like most of the world has made the switch to Microsoft Entra(Azure Active Directory). However one of my clients is still using ADFS. Unfortunately there isn't much information left on how to get an OAuth flow up and running in ADFS. Most of the links I found point to documentation that no longer exists. So therefore this short blog series to show you end-to-end how to get an OAuth Client Credentials flow configured in ADFS. In todays post, I focus on the ADFS configuration. To make it not unnecessary complex, I’ll show the steps using one of the simplest OAuth flows; the Client Credentials flow . OAuth Client Credentials flow The OAuth Client Credentials flow is an authentication method used primarily for machine-to-machine (M2M) communication. In this flow, an application (the "client") requests an access token directly from an OAuth 2.0 authorization server using its own credentials, without involving a user. This access token allows the client to acces
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JWT decoder in Visual Studio

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Running a fully local AI Code Assistant with Continue–Part 5–Read your documentation

In a previous posted I introduced you to Continue in combination with Ollama, as a way to run a fully local AI Code Assistant. Remark: This post is part of a bigger series. Here are the other related posts: Part 1 – Introduction Part 2 -  Configuration Part 3 – Editing and Actions Part 4  -  Learning from your codebase Part 5 (this post) – Read your documentation Today I want to continue by having a look at how Continue can scrape your documentation website and make the content accessible inside your IDE The @docs context provider To use this feature you need to use the @docs context provider: Once you type @docs you already get a long list of available documentation: This is because Continue offers out-of-the-box a selection of pre-indexed documentation sites. (You can find the full list here ) If you now ask a question, the indexed documentation is used to answer your question: You can see the context used by expanding the context items section: Index you

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Semantic Kernel–Plugin KeyNotFoundException

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